Men in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Goodsoulette | 11:28 Sat 18th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
Are their men out there that fancy unconventionally attractive women?

I dont mean because they have a gap in their teeth or are a teensy bit chubby. I also dont mean the lifelong chubbychasers or those with fetishes about a girl having no legs.

I mean fancying someone famous because something else shines through.

Women have odd objects of lust all the time. Mine is Justin Lee Collins which is probably akin to fancying Fizz off Corrie and I have never heard anyone say they fancy her

Is it Jessice Alba and Keely Brook only?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I can assure you weeal, that as a gentleman I am very selective in whom I chose to have carnal relations with, thank you very much.

Don't get me wrong, I had a few bow-wows when I was younger, but even then they had their advantages.

Nowadays, only a selected few will pass my test.
Women wise, I like Nigella Lawson, and I guess she is a little unconventional! But not so much...Victoria Wood is FUNNY! And to me, funny is attractive.

I don't like JLC in that way, but I understand what you mean: certain people make me go wibble, and they are rarely pin-ups in that sense. Drisgirl, the Sky Sports "team" are great, I always giggle and I am not even a sports fan! Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt, Peter Kay etc. all have a wonderful charisma that I am drawn too!

This feels familiar: was there a similar post recently from a guy asking what was better, looks or personality?
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but Noel fielding is an absolute honey.
I think Martin Clunes has got that 'something'. I love him as Doc Martin.
Apologies to Shadow Man, I was generalising. There are a few gentlemen out there.
Julie Walters (a few years ago but not many)
Anne Robinson (can't believe it myself)
The chef Angela Hartnett
Juliette Lewis
BT advert woman
my next door neighbour!
My very first 'turn-on' was the wicked queen in
Snow White. Then along came Violette Szabo, the
heroine GC, murdered in Ravensbruck.
Edwina Currie and Margaret Thatcher have a little
something, beyond their politics.
The Queen's sister, Princess Margaret Rose, was
v. attractive, and so is Nigella Lawson today.
dont worry i believe that 4 every woman theres the perfect man. everyman looks for different things in a woman.
My vision of Dotty is strangely attractive, particularly when she goes up the ladder, fetches a pair of black patent leather stilettoes and tries then on.

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