Just read in Sunday Mirror ( comic cuts paper) that the late Diana was a uniquely remarkable woman. "She had an astonishing ability to comfort the afflicted and was never afraid to use it".
She was not as remarkable as my mother and yours as well I suspect.
The article also said that " we had lost something extraordinary and irreplaceable" ????
I thought she was well brought up, below average in academic achievements, and extremely lucky in marriage ( think of the money).
Am I missing something here.
Oh god no, I feel exactly the same about the cow. Good riddance, she didn't do half as much for anyone as people seem to credit her with ~ hugging someone with AIDS, I ask you, is that going to change the world? Millions of people do just that every day of their lives and don't seek any celebrity status for it. As far as I'm concerned she was an attention-seeking brat who when she died was causing this country nothing but humiliation and grief.
Not raise money for herself, as you well know!!! What happened to not speaking ill of the dead?
And what do you mean her death was convineient? Not for her, or her sons.