Ability to stop people swearing in the street. Living in Chelmsford Chav city I am staggered by the language, boys and girls that comes out of the mouths of some locals.
my power would be that when I touch someone, all the pain or suffering they ever caused others in thier life time would come around to them and they would feel it times 10.
Ok, so the hadrians wall thing. The truth was we started walking about a mile and then went to the next intresting point in the jeep, took some shots and moved on.
Hey you lot BACK OFF. Xroads is multi talented and he never lies. He is also a millionaire, not that it makes any difference, I would defend him anyway.
Hmm, AB ADMIN, backing me up whilst continuing to be sarcastic.
Well, looks like AB ADMIN is the one we should be crediting here.
Making a smart and clever post whilst remaining sarcastic.
Well done Admin.
Here is the first part of your course, in hexadecimal.
My power would be the ability to understand what the beep beep beep everyone on here is on about. Gawd I havent been this confused since the time I took 3 acid tabs and got off the train at the wrong stop :S
but B00, isn't that a growing trend on here these days? Apart from about 12 users, that i know for sure who they are, the others could all be xroads and legend!