Was just wondering im going to start taking the pill soon and i was wondering how long you have 2 wait before you can have un protected sex?
And also im alittle bit worried about going on it because of some of the side effects.So if you could help me out and give me abit more info on it and if your taking the pill and have or havent had any side effects.Im just scared of maybe putting on abit of weight.
There are several 'types' of pill and also different manufacturers. You should receive a patient leaflet about the particular one you will be prescribed. Also, every body reacts slightly different to these things, some people will have little or no side-effect and others have several. It will be more toublesome at first until your body settles into a new pattern.
i dont want to sound patronising, but please remember the pill only protects against pregnancy, not STI's, so still be careful :)
even if in a long term relationship things can still be passed on whether you trust your partner or not.
And if you are not in a relationship, still use extra protection
Thankfully im only 17 and i have known the guy im with for ages and he was a virgin wen we got together and i know this for sure.
Thanks for the caution it is really appricated.
Im still going to use extra protection 4 a while just to be safe and to stop me going out of my head with worry.
As weeal has said, check the leaflet. I think it depends on the type of pill ~ the ones you start at the beginning of your period protect you from day one, and the type you start at the end of your period have to allow 2 weeks before protection starts. At least that was how it worked when I started taking the pill!
Your GP should be able to advise you, or a practice nurse?
Sounds sensible. I should say too that sometimes the pill can stop your period for a while so if youre using extra protection as well this will help the 'worry' factor. Your doctor should explain all this to you though and keep an eye on you for a while. Also make sure you keep up with your regular smear tests - very important.