I think most 25-30 somethings and upwards now have 30 in waist and upwards...
But look at the way the womens body shape has changed over the last 100yrs... and the way certain parts were enhanced. ie. Victorian and 1900 saw large busts, tiny 16/18in waists & low bussel, 20's brought droopy shapeless, low waisted gowns and waif-like figures, 40 saw large triangular shoulder pads, 50's brought the hour-glass with pointed boobs, 60's mix between waif and large curvy women, 70's went super skinny (even the men), what with all those lycra t roller disco's, 80's saw fairly muscular, sporty & powerful women (think Grace Jones) and 90's brought heroin chic thin... and now it's size zero... ironic as USA and UK have bad obesity problems...wonder what's next? Bring back the 50's and corsets.... that's my personal favourite!