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Are men easier nowadays and what effect has it had on society in general??

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tiny e.a | 15:24 Thu 06th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
Or have thet always been dogs?


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should this question be in animals n nature ?
arn't they meant to be loyal and faithfull?
I don't like the stupid slobbering smelly leg humping creatures myself but hey ho, each to their own
Ha ha!!! ROFLMAO at this question and the answers so far!
As I said before No. People are :-)
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Only if you say please.
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No they have always been easy and most been dogs.
Effect its had has made us women harder faced and stronger than med i reakon, men are definatly weaker!!

cue the men
id say men are as theyve always been.
some funny, some opinionated , some self centered , some loving , some nasty , some good,some bad , some b@stards , some husbands , some boyfriends , some evil ,they say it takes all sorts.

the effect on society is varied.
dependent on where and whom youre talking about.

would this post include homosexuals or is it purely aimed at hetrosexuals ?
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Well people do say that the oldest industry to date is prostitution, and with females being the main market there I think that it�s justifiable to say that men have always been easy.

It�s only the general social viewpoint that has changed.

Saying that, there are still groups of men who consider it �cool� to sit around and brag to each other about their conquests. Most of these types are Daily Star readers or drive vans of some sort. Usually they don�t actually get much anyway!!


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Are men easier nowadays and what effect has it had on society in general??

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