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for you wba....

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someguy0000 | 23:29 Wed 12th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
i get this most of my life,and at some point its nice to be able to talk,happily,even though some of us dissagree,and comunicate on a level without truelly hurting anyone else...i know its a bit hippy dippy,but could you please stop all this,its hurting me if not anybody else...........i cant get out much anymore,for a spell anyway,and i like to hear peoples voices,even if its over the internet,have a heart.
There are some people that need some reasurance that we are not all that bad,me especially.I lost faith in human nature for a while and this is not making anything any least say something that is worth while.eye to eye contact i find is so much better,you know then if someone is genuine,and im sure you are,just need to know that your not a complete and utter fool.


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Who is WBA? I can not find anyone about him / her .
He is nothing at all to do with that fantastic football team in the midlands.
Pity i am a Birmingham City fan and wanted to hand out some stick.Lol.
Neilzulu1 I think the posts with his abuse have been removed. He was on here yesterday evening being very abusive.
ok m8, thanks for the update. He / she probably watched an Albion game and felt suicidal. Lol.
His answers are still there in Dotty's
have i missed something?

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for you wba....

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