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Hi Cruella and amonty,
Had the meeting, the only ones there, were the Social Worker, Daycare manager, my wife and myself, it went pretty much as I thought it would, pureley because its a private centre, the only other one in the area, an NHS one, wouldn't have been suitable, we looked sometime ago, they have three kitchens, all open plan, and they wouldn;t have been able to stop my daughter accessing them, and they wouldn't put preventivr measures in place.
The Package that was decided, although they know we are not happy about it, and will be taking action, (MPs surgery to start with), was that the centre will, for a trial period of three months, cut down to thirty five miles per day,
If that doesn't work out, at present, who knows?.
The Social Worker is taking to panel, the proposal that they fund another two hundred miles per month.
I can't see that being agreed, but you never know.
He is also going to contact Motorbility, to see if they will extend the annual mileage.
Thats about it.
I'd like to thank you both for your support and advice, they were, and will be, very useful in the coming months.