Pickles (my year old Bedlington bitch) did 3 poos yesterday n the space of 30 mins on her walk (not sure if this is linked to the smell!?)
Anyway last night she smelt AWFUL - a really strong nasty slightly fishy smell from her rear end. My husband said his old dog used to have her botttom glands squeezed by the vet to release this smell.
It could well be that her anal glands need emptying, You can take her to the vet for this, or some grooming salons offer this service. (I used to be a groomer and often had this delightful job!!)
Yeah....sounds like your dog has already emptied her anal glands. Our male springer went through a phase of doing this about once a week and it stank. Just stopped on its own.
But don't worry...they lick themselves clean !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!