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4GS | 09:26 Tue 25th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
21 years in the Army, not a single blister or any problems with my feet, now I've somehow developed a verruca, any ABers know how to get rid of the annoying thing?


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Morning John, I know that Bazuka advert is really irritating with those little karate brats but the product is actually quite good I'm led to believe :)
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Hi helliebobs, I'll try that.
I know the one you mean and the funny thing is, think I picked it up doing Kickboxing :-(
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lol @ leg end, unfortunatly they didn't let me keep any weapons matey
hey john so i guess a yomp over tan y fen is out of the question lol
Sometimes if you treat the little suckers they spread. If its not causing you any pain i would leave it. Bazzoka can take up to at least 6 months to blast the beauty. You could have it frozen at the quacks,.... or "wait for it" apparently rubbing banana skin on them gets rid, cant say i have tried it though. and lol i read online if you put duct tape on for 12 hours, remove and reapply that will get rid too. (Bizarre). And contrary to belief they arnt meant to be spread that easy, they are caused by a virus and most prone when your run down. They are flat warts basically. Good luck anyway
or even pen y fan john lol
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Run down?? I'm still as fit as I was when I was in the mob.
I think I'll give the banana skins a miss, it's not painfull just bl00dy annoying, I have to shower with my flip-flops on :-(
Morning Stoke mucker how's you? did you ever do Junior Brecon? pen y fan was a heart breaker wasn't it? what about all those false horizons? wtf are they all about.
lol john what a killer dunno mate could never work that 1 out buddy i never reached 1 anyway lol.sorry bout your foot mate..............................
people still get sick when they are "fit"
Ha, hahahahahahaha!

Ahem... Banana peel. Seriously.
Morning john , rotten annoying thing for you , there are quite a few treatments at the chemists and Bazooka sounds as good as any. Is it possible to keep it covered at kick boxing until it's gone , as you can't wear flip flops there , lol .. :-) x
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Hi mamma, I'll put a dressing on it till it's gone, I don't want to spread it,
How come I don't get stars??

I want stars!
John you could also be really manly about it and dig it out with a pen knife :)
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I don't want the kids to see all the blood + guts that I saw as a Medic helliebobs, and besides, the 4 year old is playing with the pen knife and won't let me have it!!
When one of the junior O's was about 5 he had a verruca which I treated with bazooka. After a bath each night he would rub it with a little emery board. One night he was rubbing away and the whole verruca came out of his foot. He proudly came to tell me. When I asked him where the verruca was......he announced he'd eaten it.
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eaten it?
Ughhh! Mrs o - When my son had one - we had to wait until he was sleeping to treat it. went to put the cream on one night and it was gone - just a slight red mark left where there had been a horrid warty thing the night before - the rejuvinating power of youth! My husband got one of those verruca plasters from the chemist that drew it out and was easier than the bazucca to apply. Never had one myself!

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