I am aware that going onto the pill can sometimes cause people to gain weight (yes, i know it's because it makes people feel more hungry) but does coming off the pill cause any weight loss?
It depends entirely on the person, it affects everyone differently. When I have pill free weeks, I eat alot less than when I'm on the pill, but alot of my friends are different and have actually lost weight since being on the pill.
If there is any weight loss or gain then it wouldn't be a hugely siginificant amount.
I didn't think it made people more hungry (quitting smoking causes people to gain weight through increased appetite). I was led to believe that the weight gained by going on the pill (no more than 3lbs my GP said) was due to the increased hormons encouraging water retention.
I was on the pill for 7 years and never gained any weight, so never noticed weightloss after coming off it either.
I have been on many different brands of the pill in the past and never gained or lost any weight when either starting or coming off it.As far as I know it doesn't increase your appetite at all.
It's a myth that the pill causes you to put on weight. My doctor told me it was actually that people were in a comfortable relationship whilst on the pill so tended to eat more during the first few months, this just happened to co-inside with them starting the pill.