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Stomach Cramps!

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confused79 | 09:37 Mon 01st Oct 2007 | Health & Fitness
35 Answers
I was awoken last night with very severe pains in my stomach, i was coping with it to start with but it got worse, i got up and walked around and it didnt seem t do any thing, without being too rude, i didnt need the toilet and didnt feel sick, but the pain became so bad i ws in tears, i took 2 nurofens and after about half an hour the pain eased off.
But then at 4:30am this moring it woke me up againa nd came back with avengence, again i took more pain killers, i can only describe it like mild to moderate labour contractions but are constantly there, ive never had pain like it. I could also feel this pain in my back, my stomach now is very tender and its gradually coming back.
Does any one know what it could be or has anyone had this before?


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Hi confused , sorry to hear you have been unwell overnight.
There could be a number of reasons for your pain but I would say go to get it checked out at your doctors . All the best , let us know how you get on :-) x
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thank you bigmamma the pain was very bad and ive just took more pain killers, someone at work said it could be trapped wind, i was umm and arring to come in but i did in the end, ive never had trapped wind with this much pain, but maybe it is makes me feel stupid if it just that.
I had a very similar thing in my teens,it turned out I had cysts on my ovaries,this wasn't detected for over 2 weeks though,my GP insisted I had a bowel infection and kept giving me antibiotics and ibuprofen.It wasn't until I passed out in the street from the pain and was rushed to hospital in an ambulance that they found out what it really was.See your GP asap.
if it is trapped wind (which can be very painful.....i speak from experience..)....try drinking warm water (doesnt taste very nice but really helps. I also have a friend who works in A & E and she has said in the past that they often get people in there with severe pains and it turns out to be wind.....nothing to feel silly about if it is.....
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Ive never had wind pains that have lasted this long, i have had lots of stress lately, could have something to do with that who knows, but im gonna try and see my GP tonight as its still there,
the wife and i suffered with this last week.....even more so when we ate?

its nearly gone now? i hope this helps?
oh i've had wind pains, and i was dead confused when i got them. i thought i was dying lol! it woke me up and i just curled up, i couldn't get out of bed. someone said it was wind, and i felt daft afterwards. i get it every now and again for no reason at all. but like daffy, i had very similar pains and it turned out to be blocked falopian tubes. very very painful.
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im still having the pains is this normal and i wake up each morning feeling sick, but not being sick, my stomach is soooo tender now and still hurts, not being rude or too explicit i have bee a toilet and that was fine, so now i dont know what it is, its not wind so i have been ok in that department, now i am going to go doctors i think as all im doing it taking pain killers and it doesnt seem to do any thing
Hope you're ok confused. It could be wind - I was laid low for six days last year with wind! The pain would come and go and it really hurt! Believe it or not drinking a can of coke helped a lot. It could also be a kidney stone though, which is not pleasant. Hope the Doc sorts it out.
I'm concerned that you're referring to painkillers. If you're taking any NSAID's, such as aspirin, neurophin, declafenic, voltoral, etc, you could be exascerbating the problem. You may have an ulcer which can easily be addressed. If this is continual your GP may prescribe ranetidine or omeprazole. But for now, stay off the NSAIDS, coffee, spicy foods, caffeine and get yourself a bottle of Gaviscom. But most importantly, see your GP! That's the most valid advice for situations such as these.

I wish you better health

Fr Bill
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thanks for your advice, i have an appointment with my GP tonight as the pain still is there and i cant even walk standing straignt i have to bend over a bit to stop the pain.

I now dont think it is wind as how can i say - some has come to the surface and it didnt budge the pain.

I will see what my GP says.
I did wake up this morning feeling very sick i ate some breakfast but the about half hour later i felt sick again, its been happening all day like that.
Village Vicar is right - do not take anything containing ibuprofen or aspirin as it may make the problem worse. Try applying heat and if it does not get better I would definitely go to A&E - your doctor may send you there anyway. Hope you feel better soon. x
confused is there any chance you could be pregnant? Ectopic pregnancy is always one to consider if this is at all possible.
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no i dont think i can be i only did a preg test about 2 weeks ago as i did have a little break form my pill only about 2 weeks i did two test's one week apart.
Where are you getting the pain exactly? Is it very painful in one area but the spreads out from that point? Im actually wondering if it is your appendix?
Glad you have a docs appointment, hope it gets sorted very soon.
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Well on Sunday night it was a bit higher up now it just about my pelvic bone now its like shooting pain and very painful like short contractions, although the pain is there all the time i touch my stomach and its very tender, when i walk i have to bend forward to ease the pain.
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should say just above my pelvic bone area
Hmmmmm, shouldnt be appendix then.

With the pregnancy tersts you did, I had a negative a few days before I had a positive, so keep that in mind. Lets us know how it goes with the docs.
Appendicitis pain usually starts centrally,then moves to the left and then the right (was told that by a doctor).You get pain on releasing the pressure (rebound pain) rather than when pressing the area.You would also most likely have a raised temperature.
I am 26 and I have at certain times in my life (somethimes once an month, sometimes once a week) had terrible stomach trouble. Some has been pure stomach area but most common it is lower/women part pain, which is usually terrible bent over pain for a 2-6 hours or something along with extreme bloating. I don't eat funny curries so it is rarely food poisioning. I have never found out what it is is could be fibroids or something like that I read in a book once but I hate doctors so will never check it out.

Talking about wind, as a teenager I once had a terrible stomach pain for an hour, and then all off a sudden farted the whole house down I was instantly painfree - very funny!

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