ok. i used to cut myself very badly (i have a million scars to show for it), so i know what you're going through. it'sn good and really important that you want to stop.you should go and see you're gp as antidepressants can help. are you depressed as well? or have an eating disorder? as these often go hand in hand with self harm (i was bulimic) as they are sort of a form of self harm too. there must be certain 'triggers' that set you off (i would always cut myself after a binge/throwing up session or if i was feeling really down or angry). if you don't know what they are you should try and work them out as you need to find a different way of dealing with those emotions/feelings so you don't have to hurt yourself. it is hard to stop as it is an addiction. i haven't cut myself for about 3 years; i still get the urge to sometimes but i can control it now. and you will overcome it too. does anyone know what you are doing? as if you had someone you could call as a sort of distraction when you get the urge it might help, even if they don't know. i don't know how old you are - you could call childline if you're under 18 on 0800 1111 or the samaritans 08457 90 90 90. (knowbody knew when i was cutting myself but when i was trying to stop i would call my mates and talk to them til the need passed, sometimes it didn't help and i'd cut myself anyway - it's very hard to stop doing as you know). also make sure you are careful when you cut yourself, i know this sounds a bit stupid, but don't use dirty blades for example - having wounds to look after is bad enough without them becoming infected). the national self harm network website may help you too
i hope this helps. good luck xxxx