Whilst reports on the internet can give you �static� details, there is nothing better than your own visits. I would suggest that you come unannounced, possibly more than once, and at different times of the day.
I visit countless nursing and care homes. Some, I�m delighted to enter and I can immediately feel the warmth and genuine care for the residents. In others, my concerns are so high that I�ve actually looked in windows before entering.
It is a disgrace how so many of our elderly become shunted away into waiting rooms of death. This disgrace extends to not only nursing homes, but our hospitals as well.
If you�re looking for a place that will care for someone you love, in the caring and nurturing way you would, the only real way to get a good mental image of the home is to experience it first hand.
I offer you a note from my diary last year as an example:
http://bigworldsmallboat.blogspot.com/2006/03/ its-life-jim-but-not-as-we-know-it.html
You may also gain valuable information from speaking with other people who have had to take similar journeys.
I wish you every success.
Fr Bill