Due to getting up too late this morning, i am now in dire need of a number 2. Its a small office, so people will know if i'm gone for any length of time, and i'm one of only 3 men so if its not flushable or produces any odour it will be obvious. Does anyone else have an aversion to using office toilets? and should i deflect the embarrassment by claiming i'm going in there to masturbate?
Looks like i'm making a quick trip home before going to the pub. If only i could guarantee it was gonna be a one wiper, i could be in and out in 1 minute, but i'm not willing to take the risk.
I would say i know how you feel! But i get it worse! With my stomach, i have upset stomachs every afternoon and its not fun, but I dont get a choice of waiting til i get home! I go down to the ground floor and use the loos there as they are normally empty!!
Seriously, if you take a box of matches in with you, after you have done your......ahem.........big smelly job, strike three or four matches, blow them straight out and the burning sulphur will neutralise the odour.
It does work, and you need not worry about setting the fire alarms off as there wont be enough smoke.