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picky eaters

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bobtheturkey | 17:18 Wed 31st Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
i find them intensely annoying, they stand for an age at the canteen commentating that "oh i dont like that" oh i used to like that" ooh i dont really like that" ooh that gives me spots" "ooh that makes my backside all hairy" etc etc apart from carrots there is no food i wont eat simply because that's the way i was brought up, if i didn't like something as a child i went hungry so i learnt to eat it simple, why are people so fussy about food? furthermore why do they have to eat foods that go together? if you have 2 food items that you like and they are not normally eaten off the same plate so what? so what if Cheese doesnt go with mushrooms or crackers dont go with beetroot if you like the foods them eat them! why are people so ruddy pedantic about food!rant over


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Don't know the answer to why but I do concur, picky eaters actually put me off my own food, of which I will eat anything. I like to enjoy my meals and can't stand it when someone's there picking away at their or moaning about how disgusting things are. What do they want me to do about it?!
It's called interesting conversation, try it sometime, or avoid the canteen and take cheese and mushroom sandwiches to work.
Just a passing thought here bob. Do you eat yourself at christmas.
knobby wouldnt he need to be double jointed to eat himself? : -)
no just gobble jointed
not much of a mouthful then?

i hear you just get a chipolata with turkey !!!
anna sprout for whiffey of course
be whioffy after the sprouts .

an ex of mine loved sprouts.
thats one xmas day treat i wont be missing lol : - )
your a moaning g!t bob
Evening hapless boy bob :)
Sorry hun but I find it so hard to believe that the only thing you won't eat is carrots, I thought you were the pickiest eater ever?
Like you (god how worrying is that??) I was brought up with the idea that if you don't eat what's on your plate you go hungry so when I lived with my in laws I was shocked to find my mother in law quite happily preparing 2 or three different types of meal or variations on a meal to suit everyone. She makes shepherds pie with baked beans at the bottom and I have a baked bean phobia so she made me a separate one with peas in instead, not that I wanted her to, I was embarrassed.
I agree wholeheartedly with you on this one :) are you and the little one...hope u r both well x
neo I like my new name it makes me sound posh! I'm good thanks, I think I just sent you a pic of him in his halloween outfit but not sure if that email address is still valid :)
We're good hows you? And no he isn't talking yet :)

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