just joined a gym again two weeks ago,had a previous problem with a sore knee 18months ago this seems to be happenning again with my other knee .the only way i can describe it is that it feels tight and painful to bend .It only started after i started a new programme on sunday which included knee crunches [something like that] previous to that for 2weeks i had been fine---does anyone else have this problem?and would it be ok to continue in the gym but not doing exercise involving knees?.i even tried swimming but my knee was too tight to swim.
im a bodybuilder of 21 yrs experience and squats have destroyed my knees (i think squats are what you called knee crunches?)
if an exercise is hurting your knees then stop doing it and find a different one.
Don't know what age you are but I suppose it could be an early sign of arthritis in the knee. Sadly you don't necessarily have to be "old" to suffer from it. .