please can somebody tell me why i keep getting answers removed? always seem to have this problem and its really annoying as i have tucked the kids into bed had row with my partner who has left the building and now i have nobody to talk to? i don"t get abusive and find it frustrating when i see lots of abuse going on and somebody keeps picking on little old me!! must be the user name eh?
Do you know, I've wondered that too. Not that I've had many removed - only 5 in total - but one of those, I remember, simply said that I didn't like the idea of mint custard! How on earth could anybody have been offended by that? I found it frustrating that perfectly innocuous answers could be removed with no explanation and no mechanism for appeal or further information.
would love to reply but unfortunately i still cant frigging post anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thankyou for your replies couldnt post from sat and although this went through yesterday i still couldnt post anything until today??? all my answers got removed and i really havent a clue why?? i got a email from technical asking me what questions had been removed and asking if i could still post, that was yesterday but they didnt reply even after i sent about 10 emails ranting and raving!!
why do we get suspended? does somebody report you couple times and you freeze or does it have to be different users that report for your answers to be taken off and put in the dark dungeon??? this is happening to many times for my liking. and since im on a rant; i went on a/c summary and tried to get diff email added on so i could come back but for some reason i got frozen there saying i had put in wrong password... and basically fukced it up!!!!!!!!! again!!