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Chain letters, well e-mails actually.

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warpig3 | 08:59 Wed 28th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
What do you do with them? I never forward them on, this is not to insult the friends who send to me bu trather that I dont see the point, especially if they predict doom and gloom. Sometimes they do contain nice sentiments which I may copy and paste without the added 'if you dont send this on to five friends your knicker elastic will break', but other than that I dont forward them.


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same here warpig. Some of the funny ones or nice ones do get sent on but most just get bunned.

And Im sure our bumps will soon break our knicker elastic so I aint that fussed :)
Now thats a worrying thought red! lol Glad I dont wear skirts!
I very rarely forward on emails like that as well. I hate it even more when you get the same thing but via text on your mobile phone!
psychick, have you still got a waist? I havnt. If Im wearing the worng kind of trousers my knickers start to fall down inside. I had to hide behind shelving in sainsburys to pull them up again on Saturday. I hate having things under my bump but over bump just seem to roll down.
I too copy any good/funny bits and forward them on. Anything else I just delete. I've been getting loads of these even via text on my phone!

The ones I hate the most are those that try to make you feel guilty if you don't forward them on. They get instantly deleted.
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Yes, I never forward on the mobile ones either, mind you, I reckon they are a scam made up by phone companies to generate more dosh.
red I have an inside out waist........ it doesnt go in anymore, just stick out... very far! I dont think I could get knickers to go over my bump! I have found the most comfortable thing is shorts knickers but I know what you mean about things falling down with no waist. Im forever pulling my jeans up. Good job my backside has grown with my bump and holds it all up!
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I also dont like the ones where you have to send it back to the sender making you feel like a right cow.

LOL redcrx, my pants keep falling down inside my trousers too!
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Oops 'making you feel like a right cow IF YOU DON'T'

love the falling stars Aprilis.
I don't tend to forward them either warpig, in fact i groan when i get another one (no offence to anyone who send them)
If i get a really nice friend one i will forward to the special people on my list but other than that, no, i don't.
Morning ladies!

I don't tend to send them on, unless they are particularly funny or sweet and then I will copy and paste.

The ones I hate most are from people who I barely know at work but insist of forwarding the "To all my girlfriends..." crap, I swear they only do it to make themselves feel popular!
Thank you warpig, but they are supposed to be snowflakes...Obviously not very good ones then!
I noticed they were snowflakes Aprilis when someone else commented on them on another thread lol Mind if I copy and go get some flakes of my own? The only snow I will probably get this year :(
I thought they were snowflakes Aprilis! There's obviously something wrong with Warpig's eyes this morning!

Ditto re the text ones that the sender expects a reply, I never do. I always feel a bit awkward about it though
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LOL aprilis, on closer inspection they are indeed snowflakes! Too busy being hypnotised by them to take proper notice.
if you are just reading the text and the avitar is next to your line of vision they can look like stars rather than snowflakes.
(am just sticking up for warpig as my eyesights failing too lol)

Where do you live Psy? We hardly ever get snow either (near Oxford). Might get about 2 hours of really light crufty snow that barely covers the ground, and the whole city grinds to a halt.
Ok, apologies to WP - I have just tried Red's suggestion and they do look like stars that way :-)
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LOL, yes thats it redcrx, failing eyesight and knicker elastic.
just had a vision of how others mustve seen me saturday. Forgot glasses so no doubt squinting, big coat that wont do up at the front without rising over my bump, and stopping every 50 yards to hoik my knickers and jeans up.

and they say pregnant women are sexy?????
I have lost 'friends' over chain emails.

Even though I have politely pointed out that most of it is a pile of sh1t, stories or petitions are years old and mostly not even genuine, or are Urban Myths that may be entertaining at first until you see them so many times you want to climb into the monitor and wring the senders neck...they still keep coming, and the 'friends' no longer speak to me.

I can live with that :o)

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