For the past week I have been feeling really spaced out and a bit wobbly and uneasy on my feet, like I am drunk.
I haven't changed my diet, been drinking or am overly tired, any ideas what it could be? I am 28, go to the gym 4 times a week, eat healthily, don't smoke..... i'm starting to get a bit worried, I am a bit worried to drive as I don't feel as alert as I should be. Any suggestions?
yes just go to doc say exactly what you have here and they will just do blood test, better to be safe than sorry. When I had gas leak I felt like that ended up in A & E.
could also be something to do with your ears, as these affect your balance. i also heard that you cant stand up without a big toe, have you checked your feet? ;o) failing that, i would agree that a doc is a good idea as it has been ongoing xx