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Back handed invitation.

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puss_boots | 21:46 Thu 06th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I started a new part time job 3 weeks ago, the boss came to me yesterday and explained that she was taking the other staff out for a Christmas meal on Sat 15th Dec, I was very welcome to join them but seeing as I was a new employee it would be appreciated if I offered to pay for my own meal. I declined the offer, made a suitable excuse but thought she had a bit of a nerve. Has anyone else been in this situation.


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they pay me to stay away
The cheeky ###### !!!!
Hey bob you must work at the same place that i do
Oh you should try to go along puss, for one thing, any Christmas Box from an employer is usually figured into the budget based on staffing levels up to 1st November or thereabouts, mainly to avoid having to include Christmas Temps. Secondly, from your point of view it would be aq good bonding oppoetunity and the chance to show you are willing to be part of the team.
I'd tell them to **** off personally. I hate work Christmas parties, ours is next Friday and I feel obliged to go as I was pregnant last year and used that as an excuse then the year before I had sinusitis so didn't go then either. Our office is the kind of place where people just nag you if you're unsociable :)
seeing as you are a new employee, they should definately pay for you to go! they are not exactly making you feel welcome are they! im glad you told them you couldnt make it! tell them to stick it where the sun dont shine. i hope their turkey jumps off that plate and bites their arse!
I never go to mine because all they talk about is work. Not my idea of a night out.
see my theory is i dont socialise with them the other 364 days of the year why one? besides i dont like people anyway
You do work at the same place as me !
Question Author always give sound advice..ta.
Your Boss is out of order. You are a staff member - full stop. Doesn't matter if you have been for 3 weeks or 3 years... ffs its xmas!!!
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hollie love your answer :-)
do you have to endure the females comparing dresses and handbags and where they wil meet at what time and who with and im not sitting beside her because she said to me that her mate isn't my mates brother's girlfriend because last time she wore the same dress as me type carry on, while you are trying to eat canteen food of a plastic plate at 10 am which is hard enough as you break the 4th plastic fork of the morning
We had a new girl start on the Monday and she was invited to our do on the Friday - cost �40 per head - there was no question of her not being invited - we even paid half towards her husbands meal - What an awful boss; hasn't quite got people skills mastered has she!!
puss if you think you have a future with this company, no point in burning your bridges is there/
^^^ Totally agree with Toby99
Whilst I agree with dotty's sentiments in principle, I would err towards the "fcku off you tight-arsed git". I imagine the meal will be tax deductable anyway and what is the price of a crimbo meal??? �20 quid or so??

Bar humbug.
im a great work colleague i treat them all equally i dont like any of them
But wardy, alot of allies are made during staff do's and it is the opportunity to see how the laqnd lies, (see, I used covert op jargon there)
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I love all your answers, it was a serious Q but I have had a good laugh as well, bob you will have to change your name as turkeys are being sent to turkey heaven all over the world now and being a turkey is not a good thing at this time of year.

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