I've seen a lot of posts on here worried about the 'promotion' of homosexuality in case vunerable young minds are swayed. I am heterosexual and I don't believe I ever had that choice to make. Has anyone actively had the choice and had to decide whether to be straight or gay and if so what things would have swayed them. I suspect , but could be wrong, that sort of rubbish is just spouted by people with little confidence in their own sexuality and perhaps they should be pitied by gays and straight alike............. your thoughts?
You have a choice of who to have sex with (my own choices include Brad and Angelina, though neither has replied to my invitations), and maybe that's what unsettles people. But as to whether you prefer men or women, that seems to be innate rather than a matter of choice. Apart from bis, who seem happy with either, most people will probably fancy one sex a lot and the other not much at all. And I can't see that it's anyone else's business.
Anyone who believes that your sexual persuasion is a choice deserves pity.
I don't believe there is such thing as 'promotion' of any persuasion. You are either straight, gay, or if you are greedy, bisexual ;o) If someone 'changes' their persuasion it is usually not a personal change but a public one ~ they were gay all laong but supressed it due to their own beliefs or the beliefs dictated to them by their families or society in general.
Let everyone get on with whatever or whoever they want to do (as long as they are consenting adults, of course).
It's always intrigued me this idea of 'promoting' homosexuality. I am a very open minded, liberal, filthy minded individual ... but the thought of snogging another woman (at the least) makes me feel sick!
I agree with you paulos, that it must be spouted by people with no confidence in their own sexual persuasion - otherwise it wouldn't even be a question!
I think too much time is spent trying to pigeon hole people. You dont have to be one or the other (gay or st8) as there is a huge grey area in the middle.
Gay guys do NOT fancy all guys in the same way Straight guys do NOT fancy all women.
It doesn't matter who you are attracted to .... if it feels good (and doesnt harm anyone) then why not do it
Ah yes gravitate now I see - it'd be easier to catch a disease off a gay man if he were diseased and you had sex with him - so yes you are best staying away from them if you can't trust yourself not to.
I can quite confidently stand in a room full of gay people safe in the knowledge that I wont be catching anything, am I being naive
I think the 'promotion' of homosexuality is missing the point.
Surely it is more appropriate to champion the rights of all individuals to their sexuality? It must appear that homosexuality is 'promoted' because it is the minority in terms of society as a whole, but that should simply mean that we are tought to respect people who live differently from us - in all areas of life.
I really don;t think that 'promoting' the notion of homsexuality as some kind of lifestyle choice encourages anyone to try it out. For heaven's sake, we can't even educate people not to give themselves alcohol poisoning and then boast about it eh next day as a 'great night out' - so something as active as homosexuality, which actually requires some effort, is a complete non-startter for the mildly curious.
Grav, earlier you posted that they should keep their diseases away from you, these are your friends - how do you reconcile them being close and having diseases?
PS I don't think we can really gain anything scientific from your dubious straw poll with 3 people, do you?
The point is you won't be getting any diseases unless you sleep with a gay man who is infected, grav.
In that case you can quite happily mix with infected gay people without any worries, as they can keep their diseases away from you even though you are standing right next to them.
I've always been known as easily led (mostly it was my idea - but don't tell anyone) and consider myself fairly liberal but I've never come close to be being swayed.