I have gallstones and biliary colic, and when I was getting attacks once in a while it was manageable. Now I am getting them several times a week, it seems to be pretty indiscriminate too, if I eat ANY fat or anything too citrusy I will definitely have problems a couple of hours later and if I dont eat I get an attack too, if I eat little and often I am still getting attacks. My problem is that I am a single mum and these occur often in the night so anything stronger or sedative wise is out of the question and yet the zapain I have to take for them I vomit back up, so am never sure how much I have had so I am managing almost without pain relief. I can't sleep during the day becuase of my toddler and it's driving me nuts.
Would I be better off taking the Zapain before I go to bed every night just in case, or is that not advisable. Or does anyone have any pain relief tips? and would a tens machine be of any use?
Go back to your doctor and ask if ERCP is a possibility in your case. The procedure is explained here: http://digestivedisorders.org.uk/content/pdfs/ Gallstones.pdf
Otherwise, urge your doctor to get you on the list for (relatively minor) surgery as quickly as possible.
I hope you get this sorted out soon goodsoulette. I had this problem and the attacks were really horrible - I would honestly rather have another baby!
The surgery cured all that and it was wonderful not to live wondering when the next attack was going to get you.
Good luck
I feel for you Goodsoulette. I had gallstones many years ago and the Doctor had to keep coming out to give me morphine injections ! This speeded up surgery. I agree with Bensmum, labour was not so bad after a gallstones attack !
Lol, thanks guys. I actually said to my doctor that I feel like was in labour last night, except I don't have anything nice to cuddle this morning. It is just like having contractions although I would rather have a gallstone attack than squeeze a baby out again.
Hope you're feeling better sweetheart! Sounds awful! Does weed affect it? Before the invention of the hypodermic syringe weed was the most common pain relief in the world. Doubt it'll be universally effective for all sorts of ailments though so I'm not sure if it's wise to try it or not. Anyway I hope you get your op sorted out. What are you having for xmas dinner with your modified diet?!? xxx