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sarahalex | 19:23 Thu 22nd Jul 2004 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
i have recently been perscribed a new tryclic anti depressant drug and i am already taking seroxat how long will it be before the tryclic works
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It must be the weather, as I've just started taking anti-depressants again! It's awful not being in control of your emotions. Hope you feel better soon.
You should have a word with your doc - Seroxat was evil for me . I hope these new drugs help you feel more like you very soon. ; )
Anti-depressants usually take about a fortnight to three weeks to settle into your system. You may have mild side-effects, which should settle, but if not, go back to your GP - the new prescription may not suit you. Good luck to you, and all of us with this particular cross to bear.
2-4 weeks, which is the same for all antidepressants- I don't know if you would wish to, but there is a seroxat user self help group with a a website : seroxatusergroup.org.uk also www.sane.org.uk I can't remember if MIND have a site will go and check and let you know. obviously i don't know if you have a 'good' relationship with your GP/psychiatrist and feel that you can ask questions about your treatment - if it helps in future, write down any questions you have so that you remember (this helps me in a wide variety of situations!) you have the right to knowledge about your treatment, and support. best wishes x
My side effects were/are never mild - not sure about yours?
A new tricyclic? New to you, or new to the world? What drug are you taking?

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