Hi, can anyone please point me in the right directions on dealing with high Cholesterol, as my husband is 43 and has had a mini stroke, his Cholesterol is 6.2 eventhough our diet is very good i need to know what else i can do to help him with what he can and cant eat. Thankyou
Your GP/practice nurse would be the best person ot ask or to give him a referral to a dietician. He may have other health problems (was the stroke a TIA?) and may be on medication? Seek professional medical advice.
Hi, yes it was a T.I.A and has been prescribed blood thining medication, and other medication to protect his stomach due to having a new stomach put in in 2000, i was hoping to find something on here to give me a kick start on what the best thing to give him while we wait, but thankyou for your help anyway. x
I agree with Mrs O. My dad has high cholesterol due to a genetic condition and despite a superstrict nutritionist advised diet and loads of exercise it still stays high without medication (in his case statins). It's one case where doctors know best. Medication takes time to lower cholesterol, but it does work (and new treatments are coming out every year). Hope everything goes okay.
Hi, actually my mum only this morning said about porrige, so thats what he will be having from now on whether he likes it or not. x thanks for all replies greatly appreciated. x
With porridge, it's oats that do the job of lowering cholesterol, so if he doesn't like porridge, perhaps he can have oats in some other way? Beware of high fat in things like sweet oat biscuits or flapjacks though. Scottish oatcakes would probably be alright.
Oats taken regularly in your diet definitely do help reduce cholesterol, and another way of taking them is to whizz them into smoothies with other fruit ingredients. Also a daily Benecol drink is another way of reducing cholesterol although these are not cheap. Exercise such as regular gentle walking will also help the process.
Thankyou for your answer, he is eating oats everyday, plus i have just bought him the drinks, he has hospital on Weds for his mri, ct, and medication for his cholesterol but i know that it wouldnt have made any difference yet not until he has been put on statins. Thankyou again.