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Because -
a) I'm a trustworthy person
b) I have known him for years
c) He rarely leaves my local and his pint of Strongbow
d) He says (and I agree, hence why I have them now) that they would simply be destroyed and it's a waste if he took them back to the clinic/doc's and
e)What was he supposed to do, charge me for them?!? It's a favour as I know more people in this field (supposedly) and I like a challenge!
It's not a matter at all of where he can SAFELY dispose of them, it's merely a matter of not wanting them all to be destroyed simply because his chemist got it wrong and gave him the wrong type.
I know from my animal science studies that needles SHOULDN'T be used if they are from an unknown source (even though they have their full sterile seal on, each and every one of them) and that is why I am inclined not to take them down to the nearest cities hospital or anything (plus I'd probably look dodgy)
Medical/Veterinary students are the first thought (but uni's have plenty of cash about with the increased tuition fees) so basically, does anyone know of a charity that can ship them out and utilise them in say, Africa? Contact details?