Well Im in a grey area, Officially according to the government Im a full time carer and get paid as one, to the ignorant I would be considered "not at work"
Most of my "work" is done on a 24 hour basis, As my children have certain problems they dont sleep at a normal rate, they require a lot of supervision, even now my son rocking on a chair next to me, he can quite easily turn this into a head banging session , they sleep between 2 and 4 hours a night which makes me tired.
I spent last night going through impossible calculations to calm my older son down so I could put his bandages on for his excema. most of this is done in the wee small hours.
I come on here for a few mins at a time, most of the time I come off after I have posted unless I have been gifted a bit of extra time!, they will sleep at bedtime untill 1 am when they start waking up and the fun begins!!!