1. Do you have a NHS dentist - No, denplan for private dentist, who is worth her weight in gold.
2. Do you bite your finger nails - only if they get too long and start to irritate me.
3. Have you ever had an operation, if yes, what for - yes, loads of ops.... from laparoscopy to hysterectomy and all sorts of stuff in between (not necessarily gynae!)
4. Have you got a cupboard/drawer full of old tat - No ! How dare you be so cheeky....
5. Do you hang your clothes up at night or throw them over a chair - neither, they go into my laundry bag.
6. How many pillows do you have on your bed - 4 very large ones...
7. What is the view from your lounge window (in day light) - my lovely bonkers, crazy, wild garden (rear lounge) or the road in front of my house (front lounge)
8. Have you got the TV in the same room as your puter - yes
9. Which programme is on the TV at this moment - absolutely no idea... I never have the two on at the same time.
10. Do you watch Skating on Ice - no, sorry, never heard of it.