I can be fun and it can also be rather scary. Used to do them regulaly when I was a kid with my mates, in the woods etc, and had some scary experiences (one time the coin flying off the table and going up a wall before we let go - tried again deliberatly trying to do it and it wasn't possible...) but the best time was in LA. I was staying in a hostel down Hollywood Blvd. Was with lots of people from all over the world whom I hardly knew, and some of the things being revealed were very personal which weren't even spoken about between us all before we did a ouija. Very spooky - some stuff came out about people in our group who weren't even takling part at that one and were merely sitting back spectating. Always a bit scary!
As for methods etc, have only used paper, pen, glass and coin, but know the original is a pencil attached to a wooden part, blindfolded individual and words and sentences were supoosed to be written...spooky, but never tried it.
Are there any ouija boards specially made nowadays to buy?