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Free Speech

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Caribeing | 19:20 Sat 26th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Isn't free speech wonderful all the reponses to the Ashley Cole affair couldn't have been expressed better , If you could get on a
"Soap Box" what would you rant and rave


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the contradictory statement of "I like curvy women" then gush about keira knightley.

manflu, is there a winner?

Men and women drivers.

Should we be bigging up big brother has beens?
Hi mary....Everything lol

Inheritance tax......the council tax.

As for the Ashley Cole affair it really makes my blood boil that these girls choose to sleep with someone famous and then sell their stories to the nationals, whilst having their pictures taken all dolled up. Do they think they're gonna be famous.

And he wasn't much better, silly fool.

Rant over!
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disgusting human beings who gob out their nasel gunk in the street, often sometimes narrowly missing me or bringing it up as they are beside me so i hear its every movement as it comes up!

now i feel sick thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! makes my blood boil!
ooh yuck Julie i agree it's disgusting. :(((
Customers who think they have a statutary right to their money back after 29 days when the reciept quite clearly says it is 28 days, siting the saME old excuses, I had a death in the family, i was ill, i was on holiday, lol rubbish, they just got the bl00dy credit card bill and wet themselves cos they had spent too much!!!!!!!!!!!
the political state of this country.
i just dont understand how we have been dragged so far down by our leaders..
i know its a no win situation but there is a limit to everything..
i think our government should sit back and have a look at what theyre doing to Britain !
the old "28 day" rule ay Dorothy !!

Jules.... even worse, when they fetch a slice of the green stuff off of their lungs and..........

CHEW IT !!!!!!
Thanks, funky, very nearly gipped then :(
Oh and my soap box rant is people who stand in the street or supermarket talking or just being slow as if they're the only people in the world. Get out of my ******* way!!!!!!
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Dot.hawkes Is the customer not always right?
funky, i would rather they chew it than spit it out on the pavement! YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was tempted to batter these 2 idiots tonight for taking up all the room on the pavemment so that I couldn't get passed them. They made me miss my bus as there was no room to go round them as the bus was there and one of them was pushing a bike. Also bus drivers that don't use their mirrors and drive off when there's clearly somebody trying to get passed 2 idiots that are pushing a bike and taking up all the room on the pavement.
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Ooooh skreechee did you not say anything?
I'm the gobby mare who says things like "don't mind me, I'll just walk on the road then" and "Great place to stand and have a chat!"
I'm a bit of an embarrassment like that really :)
Hi Heliebobs, I just turned round and went round the corner to get another one. I was effing and blinding and was probably fairly loud as I was listening to my ipod but they probably thought it was coz I'd missed the bus. Only had to wait ten minutes though and it meant I got to see how much cash I spent last night by going to the bank machine! It was an expensive one, which kind of explains how drunk i was when I woke up in a random bed at a house on a street I used to live on!
Ahhh, but were you alone in this random bed skreechee? And was the night worth emptying your account for? :)
My rant would be about bullies. Workplace, school, etc,. why do some people think they can go around intimidating others?!

I also hate the kids in my area. They hang around street corners with their hoodies on smoking dope.

There are plenty more but I would be here all night.
Im with skreech on this-drivers who park on the pavement really wind me up.

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