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Quick answer before bed of serious Q.

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Bewlay Bros | 01:25 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
For class tomorrow who said:

Britain is a nation of shop keepers?


Britain is a nation of animals lovers?

Dotty may know?????

Five minutes before bed.


and google doesn't help.


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Shopkeepers was Napoleon i do believe.
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How confident dabees?
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well done, looks like Nappy man.

Comes up on google now. I think I used shop owners not keepers in my search.

Just animals to go.
Attributed to Napoleon but apparently written by Adam Smith in 1776.
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Aprillis do not confuse matters!!!!!! Napoleon will do!!!! :-)

What about animals???
Can't find any reference to the animals one Wardy. Probably Rolf Harris, lol!
Question Author
ah never mind.

I am going to say Queen Victoria, maybe in an empire speech. but I have no idea really.

Goodnight anyway.
I don't think the "nation of animal lovers" is a direct quote, more a reputation the British are supposed to have.
was it a a a a a a a a a a a rkwright

ffffffrom open alll hourrsssssss

ff ff ff ff fff ff fankyouuuu
^^^ * isn't
Night, night Wardy, sleep well x x x
perhaps it was noah when he nudged into england on his way to the place where he saw the dove with a sprig of leaves in its beak , and he sprang a leak and all the english in their wode said aww **** it drop em off here noah we will look after them for you till you can come back, then again perhaps not.
lol @ jacko!
Was it mahatma ghandi?
hi ya Aprilis
Hello again jacko :o)
sorry about the double L Aprilis, i may be a little bit pished.
two more minutes and i'm getting me coat

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