dead..... not a hero ! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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dead..... not a hero !

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funkymoped | 21:29 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
why do the news papers and media in general say someone is a hero Just because they died of an illness ??
surely when your time comes, you fight to the end.... that doesnt make us heros does it ???
this isnt a dig at people with incurable sickness, or folk with an illness that is being fought and won....
i just cant fathom out why the dead are reported as being "HEROS".

for the record, ive lost family and friends to disease so im NOT having a pop at the dead or severly ill...
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Another way to become a hero is to be shot or stabbed. It's a bit of a bummer, but most people live placidly and presumably are not very nice and die unnoticed. Get knifed or shot however, and immediately you are "the nicest gentlest person it was possible to meet". I still think I'll settle for a quiet demise.
I think someone who shows dignity and selflessness whilst fighting their illness could be deemed a hero. Especially small children who do not always understand, but seem to complain less
I suppose dignity in death is something that can be regarded as heroic when you consider over paid, over hyped sports stars are called heroic for something they do on a sports field x
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Little bit of an overreaction cleversod? x
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That the idea of people dying of disease is described by that word you used? x
cleversod, what exactly is your problem? Your attitude stinks, what has thumbaline ever done to you?
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I think he is just being overly aggressive to try and attract attention helliebobs, i expect that's a common trait in young children :) x
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Argh I got your name wrong sorry thumbalina!

It's the "No the truth, and the truth hurts, like it did you , thum" that got me, what is that supposed to mean??
Shut the f up not so clever sod
I dont see anything wrong with people who die from terminal illness being called heroes what would you have them called? if it brings comfort to their friends and family it hardly warrants being called what you called it now does it? x
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Cleversod, what in the name of God are you blathering on about????? Why are you soooooooooooooo bothered???x
Well if you are so pedantic as to criticise what someone who has just died had been called in the media then maybe you have problems? and i keep referring to the swear word above used to describe it all above x
Frock off? Very mature and not all ridiculous, cleversod.
Or can I just call you sod?
And no I didn't answer funky's question, so I'm not going to enter into any more squabbling with a little ******** like yourself, don't say something if you can't explain your reasoning behind it.
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dead..... not a hero !

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