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RE- instant dislikes

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wendilla | 08:37 Sat 01st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I asked you yesterday about instant dislikes to people and lots of you responded ,now I am asking how many of you have taken an instant dislike to some people on here .I certainly have and there again none of them have done me any harm . But just would not reply to them with the attitude some people have.I often wonder if they are like that face to face or that they have such a sad life that they have to rebel on here.


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hi wendilla, i dont think they way some behave on here would be tolerated in "real" life to be honest. its easy on here to hide behind the screen and a persona completely different to your own. i dare say a lot post the things they do for a reaction then sit back and laugh at the stir they caused.
hi wendilla, I agree with unruly julie, people behave in a certain way online because they can hide behind a persona and the screen. I have a picture in my minds eye of the saddos that bully and post cr@p, and am sure it is accurate LOL! They don't have any social graces or the ability to interact with real people and that is sad for them but probably best for us!

With regards to 'instant dislike', I would say that its not been instant, its built up over a long period that a certain 'diddy' has been online. To be honest I ignore him and that annoys him and that makes me laugh.

Have a good day

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I dont dislike people on here, however I am aware of several peoples style and so I am wary of them and tend not to talk to them.

I actually prefer the loud outspoken people as they tend to be the most honest, not always right but honest. the people I am wary of are the ones that tend to lurk making comments about people and sniping in general

these are the ones who tend to adopt the troll mask because they cannot say what they really think in an upfront manner as themselves. not all trolls are bad but there is an undercurrent to some people that tends to manifest itself in late night postings where they assume their troll identities
I admit, it would be really easy to take an instant dislike to people on here and I have found that it is not just the ones who get into huge arguments on chatterbank.
There have been comments in travel in the past and I think it was home and garden yesterday that there was a completly unecessary 'row'
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I agree with cazz. Why dont people be honest and post under their "normal" username? What are they frightened of?

I ignore the abusive posts and threads, some people draw them to my attention because some comments are aimed at me but so what? If I ignore them then what does the abuser gain? They have spent their time and energy actually typing something that I dont even read. I find that hilarious.
My neighbours are all unfriendly, it kills them to say hello!, I am a sensitive soul and I suppose I know they are being bitchy and mean about me and my family behind my back, thankfully I dont get to hear it, I dont really care what they think but I would be upset if I heard it.

As I know they are like this I refuse to make an effort to be friendlier to them.

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also haysi, their writing style is quite easy to recognise, especially when they try to pass it off as someone elses "work"

I recognise a lot of the meaner trolls writing styles and you would be surprised at some of the people who are a perfect match
I can rarely work it out, some are easy but its only by following the full thread that it becomes clear and I can't always be bothered
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Cazz, I agree with you. I have seen people trying to pass themselves off as other users by using a similar username using the same layout of their post, bad spelling, abbreviations and the likes. They must have terribly boring lives! They can only keep it up for so long and then they show their true colours. LOL

At the end of the day you can pick and choose who you interact with. Thats the best policy for me.

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I used a mate's username for a long time. I hurt someone in the process and I regret that. I've apologised to her and luckily she's still in contact with me. He's more or less cut me out of his life. I deserve it.
I've never taken an instant dislike to someone I've never met in person.
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I have nailed a few thats for sure, you are right haysi, they can only do it for so long before they struggle.

I know you are only legend (and a dozen other legends!) you might not be everyones cup of char but I like that you are outspoken and open about things

the problem with all this is the louder people are accused of being the alias, and the quieter observing ones can sit there smirking at their genius at not being found out!
Oh I wasn't nasty or vindictive as his username. My life had taken a bad turn, I felt full of self-pity and saw that his life was the greener grass. It felt good to be carefree even if it was only online.
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Hi Legend 758 not quite sure if you are referring to me but I didn't make the comment about the Young Fat Flump. I am not opinionated and I don't tattle or talk about people in the street..My comment for the post was why do people take an instant dislike to some people which I have done .You can think about all these things to yourself without making a big issue of it such as tittle tattle,.As I said in my last post the lady at school that I have took an instant dislike to is probably a very nice person but I am not going to bother to find out as I have already took a dislike to her .Probably something to do with being a Scorpion .Got a sting in my tail.

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