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Silly little pet hates?

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number8 | 09:43 Tue 10th Aug 2004 | Body & Soul
57 Answers
Well, what are they? Mine are newsreaders who attempt to come out with a funny little quip at the end of the news - just read the damn news. People who use the words 'proactive' and 'synergy'. And probably my biggest - the fact that politicians are incapable of giving a yes or no answer.


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Ooooh... and people who say 'diarise' and 'soooooooper'
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The Yes Car Credit and Ocean Finance ads on cable do it for me. Patronising and debt inducing.
And the Bogof man, "You buy one you get one free, I say ....."
People behind you in supermarket queues who try to intimidate/hurry you by staring/sighing loudly.

Rude people with pushchairs who think they own the street.

People who make no effort whatsoever to speak softly into their phones in a public place. SO annoying!

All whiney children - especially those with timid, harrassed parents who're too scared to shut them up.

Everything by The Streets.

And I'm perfect :)

yeah i like CleverClogs' #4 - that AA loan one with the 2 volvos - Bev, Kev, etc is a particularly bad one. encouraging people to get into debt to keep up with the Joneses. and taking out a loan for a holiday is NOT a good idea.
Sports commentators who say "they'll be looking to win this game".
Advertisers who claim the total aim of their product is to help you, save you money, etc.
All politicians, solicitors, real estate agents, finance brokers and all other social parasites.
How the word 'specific' seems to have been transformed into 'pacific' with nobody telling me and how 'communal' has become 'communial'. It drives me mental (yes I am an "Eats Shoots and Leaves" kinda gal).
-Tourists who glare when I walk through the back of their photo. I LIVE HERE. -People who say 'please don't do that darling' to their children who they can't control, particualrly when they're doing something which could endanger either themseves or someone else. -can openers that will not open cans on some sort of principle, which just sabotage the can irreparably to flummox any other can openers willing to have a go. - hecklers who aren't funny. -'You can see this screen because you did not turn your computer off properly last time....' I TURNED YOU OFF BECAUSE YOU CRASHED!Over competitive fathers wo have to beat their six year old children at everything. That will do for now. I'm going to go and brood menacingly.
Oh scubaboy, we pedants are in for a field day here. I have compiled a list that is headed "Just as swear words demonstrate an inability to use the almost infinite variety of the english language, I suggest that the same should be said of the use of the ridiculous words and phrases which have become to permeate the language of "management". I therefore advocate the avoidance of the following. (Some have, unfortunately, found their way into some dictionaries.):- Touch base Holistic Scoping Overview Joined-up Task (as a verb) Wash up session Flag up Head up (why not just "head"?) Train up (why not just "train"?) Free up (why not just "free"?) (what is this tendency to put "up" after every verb?) Pro-active (there you go scubaboy!) Singing from the same hymnsheet Chanting the same mantra Out-of-box The big picture Over-arching Unlock the value in (to sell!!) Broad brush Critical path Synergy (again scubaboy!!) Mission statement ....and a classic:- "Best value is a coat-hanger on which to hang joined-up governance" Re-engineer the process Mind set Level playing field Oranges with oranges, apples with apples Impact (as a verb) Share some thoughts with you Twentyfour seven Closure Brainstorming Roll-out Ahead of the game Process mapping "I have liberated the standard conditions of an unsuccessful tenderer" i.e. pinched Ramp up Fixed on where we need to be Bring up to speed Leverage (as a verb - leveraging! What's wrong with levering?) Down-sizing Right-sizing Overtrading Makeover Multifaceted Engage the customers A big (hard/tough) ask Skill-set Handle (as in "get a better handle on what we're doing") Recommend (as a noun) Chair (for chairman) Right, that's purely my dislike of managementspeak (aargh!! that's got to be added to the list.) I'll have to rest now and come back with my Room 101 candidates!
Smudge, yes, ball park figure has to go on the list.
Volvos. And lorries overtaking other lorries on the motorway. Drivers in the wrong lane on the A12. People braking hard when they approach a lower speed limit. People forgettin to turn the indicator off when changing lanes on the A12, and people who dont indicate at all! Nervous drivers. People who cut me up and blame me. Cyclists and other bunny-huggers. And gary-boys with clapped out ford escorts with go-faster alloy wheels. Motorbikes who have their lights on full beam. BMW's. YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! That feels better!!!
Sneezing - I know its natural and you can't really stop it form happening. But whenever someone sneezes it winds me up sooo much I want to scream (I know its daft)
Cyclists (why shouldn't they have to pay road tax and take a formal test??) People who go up at their sentences where intonation is not needed People who TRY to be 'philosophical and deep' - like Dan on Big Brother People who let their children cycle alone on the road with no cycle helmets Jailed people, i.e. Ian Huntley sponging off the tax payers - a self contained flat and 3 appointed helpers..?!?! The guy on the 'Pi adviceline' advert - really low voice, terribly ugly - BORING Esure adverts with Michael Winner URGH! I could go on - but it's late...
1. People who didn�t vote for Stuart Wilson to win Big Brother 5

2. People who didn�t vote for Scott Turner to win Big Brother 4

3. People who didn�t vote for Alex Sibley to win Big Brother 3

4. People who kept on voting to evict various other people in Big Brother 3 instead of evicting Jade Goody at the earliest opportunity

5. People who falsely try to pretend that Big Brother is anything other than a very important and highly cultured intellectual and sociological phenomenon

6. People who walk slowly along the middle of the pavement or corridor without moving to one side to let people pass

7. People pretending to be polite by smiling artificially with their mouth closed, like Bob Monkhouse did

8.Adverts or TV programmes which have the trickling sound of drinks being poured into a glass, especially with ice cubes rattling

9. Television programmes in which a telephone incorrectly goes �ring ring pause ring ring pause ring ring pause� instead of correctly going �ring ring pause pause pause ring ring pause pause pause ring ring�

10. People who falsely try to pretend that Christopher Parker on �EastEnders� is more attractive than James Alexandrou

11. People who phone in to local radio and start off by saying �I�m not racist but�� and then say something racist

12. Supermarket checkout staff who start putting my things into plastic bags without giving me the chance to pack them in my own re-used bags which I have brought with me for the purpose

13. People who write �it�s� or �who�s� when it should be �its� or �whose�, or vice versa

14. People who say �you and I� when it should be �you and me�, or vice versa

15. Homophobic people who can�t tell the difference between love and sex, and who condemn gay people on the basis of the sexual preferences of a minority of gay men

16. Racist people who think that �black� and �British� are mutually exclusive

17. The weather, because it is still hot and sweaty and uncomfortable here in London, and because all the lovely thunderstorms went elsewhere

18. Media people who refer to hot weather as �good�or �nice�

19.Innumerate people who pretend that there was a Year Zero and who falsely try to pretend that the new millennium started in 2000 rather than 2001

20. People who try to pretend that Nadia is a man and who don�t understand what the word �transsexual� means

21. People who set quiz questions without checking the correct answers properly

22. For example: people who think that Jupiter has 12 moons, who didn�t notice the vast amount of publicity for the Voyager Space Probe in 1979 which discovered a whole lot of new moons, who haven�t noticed the subsequent discovery of several more since, who use reference books which are 25 years out of date, and who think that Jupiter still has only 12 moons instead of 60

23. Or for example: people who think that Saturn has 10 moons, who didn�t notice the vast amount of publicity for the Voyager Space Probe in 1981 which discovered a whole lot of new moons, who haven�t noticed the subsequent discovery of several more since, who use reference books which are 23 years out of date, and who think that Jupiter still has only 10 moons instead of 31

24. Or for example: people who ask �who was the fourth Marx brother?� without realising that there were five not four, and who don�t specify whether they mean in order of age or in alphabetical order

25. People who refer to �Christian name� rather than �first name�

26. People who instinctively denounce anything that they disagree with as �political correctness gone mad� rather than giving proper reasons for their opposition

27. People who forget that �political correctness� (e.g. anti-racism, anti-bigotry, mutual respect, etc.) is a good thing in moderate proportions

28. The Countryside

29. Foxhunting

30. The person who deleted the website on which I posted a list of 44 of my pet hates about 2 years ago, thereby making it necessary for me to spend ages thinking up a new list instead of just copying it from that one again

31. People who think that we can solve complex social problems by simplistic kneejerk reactions

32. Republicans

33. Marxism

34. Leninism

35. Stalinism

36. Maoism

37. Kimism

38. Hoxhaism

39. The government of North Korea

40. Western apologists for the North Korean government who refer to North Korea as �democratic� without any sense of irony

41. Robert Mugabe

42. People who refer to homosexuality as �unnatural� thereby showing that they do not know the meaning of the word �unnatural�

43. Wasps

44. Moths, especially the ones who ate my old suit and made it necessary for me to buy a new one for my sister�s wedding

45. Dust, for arrogantly and impertinently accumulating after I�ve hovered, thereby making it necessary for me to hoover again later

46. People who falsely try to pretend that opponents of the European Union are �anti-European�

47. People who can�t tell the difference between �Europe� (45 countries with 740 million people) and �European Union� (25 countries with 450 million people)

48. The European Union

49. People who refer to the Liberal Democrats as the �Liberals� or the �Liberal Party�

50. People who think that �liberal� and �do-gooder� are terms of abuse or criticism

51. Peanuts

52. The treacherous politicians from the Lib-Lab-Con-trick parties who are hell-bent on sacrificing our nation�s sovereignty and democracy to the wasteful, inefficient, expensive, corrupt and undemocratic EU

53. The extra 537 people in Florida who voted for George Bush

54. Newspapers which don�t report the results of elections properly

55. Hot weather making me itchy and sweaty

56. People who post questions about �tucking blanks into blanks�

57. People who refer to tanned skin as �healthy�

58. Golf

59. Anybody who is opposed to a society in which there is mutual respect and tolerance for a wide range of beliefs, cultures, religions and lifestyles

60. Anybody who dares to disagree with anything I think

61. Morons who falsely try to pretend that people never went to the Moon

62. People who think that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK or who think that he did not act alone

63. The jurors who acquitted O.J. Simpson of murdering his wife and her friend, even though he was obviously guilty

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