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Well should I give up.

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captains log | 21:39 Sat 15th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Or should I just keep chasing pavements.


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i dont know the answer knobby, ive been debating this one myself all day!
i guess there are worse things you could be chasing, such as rabid dogs or wildebeast!

i was singing this song the other morning and my boy said to me "mummy, thats a silly song, you cant chase pavements cause they dont move"
but you can go down on
them like slab

or bag of hammers

done it a few times

pave the way for a new one x
im going blind

drunk x
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Ohh montey montey mony you crack me up withh every answer that you give.

You are my hero

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Well should I give up.

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