It's practical to make the ban from the time of sentence.That way it's definitely started and there are no complications about early release, parole etc. The DVLA have to know exactly when the ban starts. Considering just how inefficient and inaccurate government agencies can be concerning records, that makes a lot of sense!
I Think I have Seen some put in Jail for say 7 years. and banned for say 5 years.
I understand it is practical.
for early realise ect.
But in a lot of cases. The ban should start on realese from jail.
So time spent in Jail which is in the main Correct. On realise they can drive away.
As the Ban has also been served.
Dont know how many Prisons need inmates to drive.
In the case of taking lifes (by driving call it what you want I dont subscribe to the term JOY RIDER) beleve the ban should start on Realise from Jail what do others think about this.
Cant say i know anyone in this situation but ...Worth the conversation.