My husband and I have been told the devastating news that we wouldnt be able to conceive naturally and have been advised to start IVF treatment, I was honest with my employers and told them from the begining that I would be going for a lot of tests as we had been trying for two years to get pregnant. I work for a large residential landlord and they have been fantastic and said they fully support me in this difficult time. Unfortunately one of my property managers that I assist has made my life hell over my time off by making mean remarks about my appointments, overloads me with work which stresses me out and sets me up to fail then singles me out as a failure. I started my medication last week which made me really poorly and I had 4 days off work, in this time she has called a meeting with my line manager complaning about my time off in which he explained that I was going through a hard time and needed medical treatment, he made it clear that the company fully supports me which must of irritated her so then she starting slating the quality of my work but explained to her that my performance was more that satisfactory (I really do work my butt off). To cut a long story short I found all this out on my return to work and I just broke down! HR are now investigating her for harassment and I have been pulled off her portfolio. I had to write a letter to HR explaining how she has been treating me over the past year (like crap from day one). To be honest all this has stressed me out even more as the enviornment at work is so frosty, colleagues are whispering to eachother and ingnoring me, now everyone thinks she is the victim. I wished I kept it zipped, kept my head down and got through my IVF, we are self funding, its not cheap, all I do is cry and I never want to go to work. There are quite a few girls that have announced their pregnancies and they dont have problems having time off if they have morning sickness or for appointments. I dont know if I have dont the right