It's not me, my friend just asked me. I don't know what to say to her. I don't know why she feels like this, I've tried my best to help her with her problems but overall they are hers and I can't change them.
Obviously I don't wanna say that tho, I want to support her and give her some hope, but not sure what to say.
Tell your friend she should be grateful she's got a life and a healthy one (she has hasn't she?) Millions of people would sell their soul for a healthy life, empty or otherwise!
Physically she is healthy yes, but mentally and emotionally no.
I have just told her that if she thinks her life is empty then any friendships she has (inculding mine) are going to fade. She needs to concentrate on what she does have and not what she doesnt!
Sometimes I just wanna slap some sense into her!
You're young aren't you mistys? So i'm presuming your friend is too?
I dunno as you get older you really do appreciate things more, including life. I've seen people I love die far too young and i'm so bloody grateful for the healthy life me and my family have that I despair of folk who are what I believe to be just "feeling sorry for themselves".
No she's not young, thats one of the reasons she winds me up so much expecting me to be able to help her. She is 34!! I can't help her!
I do think a lot of it is feeling sorry for herself. I'm not saying she has or has had a pefect life but things could be a lot worse. I think she has got stuck in the routine of being how she is and she doesn't know how to break away from it. Unfortunetly neither do I.
Hi mistys, hard one to answer, but with her I think she needs to make a list of the good in her life and the bad, the good things will out weigh the bad every time, but not just material things, things like the smell of grass, the sunshine, new life, the sea etc, get her to do this, it may help, but she also needs to talk, and to talk honestly. Ray
In simple terms, she needs to listen to the advice of the Duchess of Windsor when asked what the secret of a long and happy life is: Fill what's empty, empty what's full, and scratch where it itches.
Is she saying that �life� is empty, or that �her life' is empty?
Sorry, I meant she is not as young as me. I'm not implying 34 is old, honest.
She thinks her life is empty, I think all she wants is love, but because she is so desperate for it she looks in the wrong places and grabs onto the first sign. She seems to think the world is against her, if we are out then she manages to think no matter what people are doing it is aimed at her. Whether laughing, dancing, talking, kissing everything is truned around so they are doing it to spite her.
Since I told her she is losing her friends by being how she is, all I've had is a text saying 'ok'. I'm hoping she is thinking about how to change rather than just cutting me out.
tell your friend to go to the nearest large hospital and take a walk through the cancer ward, then ask her if she feels selfish. if she dosen't,then neither you or anyone else can help her. it would then be best to leave her to continue with her pathetic self pitying.