Hello, Does anyone know of a place where you can write to soldiers at?? is there already some kind of system set up.. i'm sure there must be? Or even better by email.
Hey Natterley, I would be interested in that too. I am trying EVERYTHING possible at the moment to stay on the Wagon and find other things to do. Will you keep me posted honey.
Yeh I will do,
Not that I can find out too much at the moment.. all the addresses seem to be out of date etc. and different sites telling u different things!!!
But maybe this soldier in our midst can give us some useful information or adresses
Keep up the good work
It all depends to where you wanna send them. You need to send them to a Unit/Regt as a letter to a British soldier? Who will get it with 5000 in Iraq and 8000 in Afghan. It also depends what your after i.e. friendship pen pals etc