I had a bit of a drink saturday night about 7 vodkas and cherryades (yes I know strange) when I woke up sunday morning I thought I had lower back pain and was a bit stiff all day yesterday I have located the pain and it feels like I have been kicked either side of my back bone just below my ribs I had kidney stones about 8 mths ago and it feels like a different sorta pain and my urine has gone slightly orange i thought it might be because i had too much to drink but i am still in pain today any ideas anyone?
thanx redcrx i would go to docs but the nearest appt they give me will be next wednesday and i cant make it as I have my nans funeral to attend! bloody nitemare!!!
I thank that redcrx is correct, indeed it does sound like dehydration. Drinking plenty plus simple pain killers should do the trick HOWEVER, in the unlikely event that you have not told us the whole story about your drinking habits, the dark urine could suggest some liver problem. This however is unlikely.and the pain might suggest some back pressure from your bladder, particularly with your past history of kidney problems.
ps, just to maybe put your mind at rest a bit. I handed in a sample at my antenatal clinic a couple of weeks back that was colour of lucozade (the previous day it had been pink / orange) and it came back clear. Was told to drink more fluids as I had been ill.