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you know you're getting old when???

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unrulyjulie | 17:54 Wed 16th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
118 Answers

Your 4 year old asks you what sort of Dinosaur this is in the picture. When you say you dont know they reply with "but you must do mummy, when you was a little girl there were Dinosaurs"

What makes you feel you're getting old?


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An 18 year old at work asking who were the Osmonds!!!
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Young 'uns in the pub having no idea what you're talking about when you mention the Cosby Show, MacGyver or the A Team!!!
Having grey hairs where the sun don't shine... :-(
ROFL @ Delboy!!! How do you even know??
I often look down on the unemployed.
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You refer to sex as making love.
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Excellent answers there people!

at what age is it that we start to lose interest in the Number 1 record? It used to be the be all and end all at one time!!

triggerhippy, now are you being entirely honest there??? LOL

delboy, :-( thats bad!
Awww jules , out of the mouths of babes eh .
What makes me feel old , lots of things , including not being able to use that predictive text thingy ! xxxxxx
ROFL & PMSL @ Mystis!!!!

What a come back!!!
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You prefer beethoven to beyonce says he who used to go to the cavern in Liverpool before the beatles became famous
Still laughing at Mistys comment!

Wins my vote for Best Come Back of the month on AB!
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aww bigmamma, i aint quite that old then lol

trigger, hmmmm, is that quite the same?

what about saying "courting" instead of going on a date?
In my day the moon was for courting under not walking on
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I remember having to explain to my eldest son what a record was! I was seriously rattled by that one! He said " oh do you mean one of them black round thingys! "
*grin* Thanks max lol
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was that the "Moon of love" milliezoe, see showing my age, anyone rem,ember Showaddywaddy???

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you know you're getting old when???

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