Well no, not really... But I will say that while you're stuck in the mindset you're in then whether you know it or not the vibes that you're giving out will be more of a repellent than if you showed up to a bar smelling of wee with 20 cats in tow!
You need to stop comparing your situation to your sisters and concentrating so hard on that one thing in your life that you don't have.
Also the knight in shining armour thing... well funnily enough I was just talking about that... but it doesn't exist. No one can save or complete any one person, you need to do that yourself. The only way to do that is by becoming comfortable in the skin and situation you're in and by loving yourself. Once you start doing that then you'll be suprised how many doors open for you simply because of what subliminal messages you send out to the world.
And just so you know.... 29, single and have been for a few years now. Also not bad looking and very sociable with lovely family and great friends, So I may just have an idea of what you're talking about.