oh dear, im sorry to hear that, i too have lost someone that way, not hanging from goal posts but from an attic hatchway. I was only eleven at the time and it still haunts me(not that i saw her, they wouldn't let me say goodbye). May be he was crying out for help and did it in a public place in vein hope someone would find him and rescue him? This was the case with my mum, she had tried it several times, and was saved every time bar the last.
Suicide is never the best way to go as it leaves gaping holes in the lives it leaves behind, by the sounds of it a friend found him?
There will now be many question with answers unknown for those he leaves behind. You need to stay strong, remember them in the happy times, not at the end, when they chose to end there lives. Be there for his loved ones. I will be popping in and out to see if you are ok, im here as is every one if you need to vent!!Take care hunny xx