last night i was bitten by an insect and within a couple of hours my arm where it bit began to swell up . Now nearly 24 hours later there is large swelling around the bite . I was also bitten on my leg which has done the same . Any ideas as to how to treat it.
Horrible aren't they? I've got 3 that are driving me mad!
Try a cold or ice pack for now but you really need some anti-histamine. (It's always best to use them as soon as you've been bitten) There's a cream that you can apply, but I find the effect doesn't last very long, and tablets which are usually one a day until it's better. Get the non-drowsy ones - Boots do their own and some supermarkets do them much cheaper than the branded ones.
i turn in to a bug feast every summer. the best thing to use is to dilute a little big of vinegar, apply to tissue or cloth and dab on the bite. may sting a little a t first but stops the itching and calms it down completely.