Can anyone help? In March i fell hitting my cheek bone. I tripped over some boxes and when i fell i over extended my lower back? but now it hurts when i sit down, at the base of my spine <coxix>. I've seen a phisio and an Ostiopath and its not getting any better. What do you think i've done and what can i do to make it better? Trish
I have started yoga lessons to relieve hip pain as it's gentle and you don't have to attempt any exercises which cause pain anywhere! If there are lessons in the area where you live, have a word with the teacher before starting and they may be able to recommend postures for your specific problem. Worth a try!
thanks... have been to a pilates class with my phisio, hasn't helped. I think i may book in with my GP tomorrow, see if he has any sugestions as its been going on since 22 march... I do like yoga and have a linda Barker DVD could try that though :o)
If you have bruised or damaged your tail bone hun it wil take what seems like forever to get better .Not much you can do about it other than take something for the pain , and be careful how you sit and stand . I feel sorry for you sweetie , it will be painful but will ease with patient time.
My sister tried Pilates but found it very hard going. I recently visited a Pain Management Clinic and suggested yoga. They seemed to be in favour of the idea. I'm also starting a short course of acupuncture as I'm now clutching at straws. I've had constant kidney and hip pain for 4 years and nearly 5 months. Doctors don't seem to be very interested!
I broke my tail bone years ago - not very nice! It was very painful sitting, so I used an inner tube from a wheelbarrow tyre to sit on!! Big mamma's right, if you have broken or even just bruised it , it will take a long time to heal - sorry!
I used the inner tube to sit on, and took painkillers when it was bad.
thanks guys for all your helpful answers. I was more worried that when i fell and hurt my discs just above my pelvis that it had some how moved my coccyx to a different postion, is that possible?
If there is a possibility you may have herniated a disc which could then be pressing on the spinal nerve this might cause pain when sitting - i would recommend seeing a doctor.