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How and where did you meet your current/last partner?

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Eve | 22:27 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Just cos I'm a nosy cow :)


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at work, lol jenna
at work
At work Jenna! Messages passed via another workmate, date, bobs your uncle! Where's bob tonight?
He lived round the corner from where I used to live with first husband !
On here :)
bobtheturkey is your uncle sky?
at work
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Really hellibobs - on here? How cool
Hi cazzz! No, wish he was though, he makes me laugh!
in a pub when my now wife of 29 yrs put a bet on with her m8 that she could get me to go out with her needless to say her m8 lost nosy jenna
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In a snowstorm 32yrs ago -I was married and he was getting married -he rescued me and we sat in my car for 5hrs together until the road was cleared -he drove and my husband was at the other side -i opened the door when i saw Dave-did a commando roll and left him with my car lol

I met him again 11yrs ago in a pub and that was that -he was recovering from wife 2 by then -should have read the signs lol.

What I liked was that all he could speak about was how much he need a no 2 (polite me) and he didnt make a pass at all so i now trust him.(ish)
At work.. 14 years ago.. I was already married, but decided to trade that one in for a better model.. Luckily for me I got a diesel, which lasts the distance... 3 daughters later... life is good!!!!

J x
Tomorrow night in Glesga, this ones on the way ooot LOL
at school
Question Author
Awww to all :)

I met Mr J on Myspace, he messaged me as he liked my profile :)
OOh, you got mail Jenna! How romantic! Love that film! x
Question Author
Me too :)

Get to do the Sleepless in Seattle bit in August as we're off to New York so can have a romantic moment up the Empire State Building :)

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