I find it hard to stay within the recommended safe limits for drinking alcohol. The doctors say I am binge drinking and threatening my health, if on one day i have more than:
1 pint of Stella or 2 Pints of bitter or 2 medium glasses of wine.
The limits are even less for women. I don't want to compromise my heath, but I will watch the football tonight with friends, and exceed those limits. And probably will on friday, saturday and sunday as well.
Hello Gromit et. al.! How are you all?
I am lucky I suppose, in that I could go for a long time without drinking. I rarely drink at home, and never alone.
When I go out, I try to space out my alcoholic drinks with water, so I don't feel so rough in the morning.
That said, when I do go out and feel like a good drink, I certainly exceed my daily limit, and quite possibly my weekly :S So occassionally, I binge drink. Ah well, c'est la vie...