please dont think me dirty - i have actually obsessive compulsive behaviour - constantly washing all the time - anyway for the love of me i cannot get snow white toe nails - no matter how hard i try to scrub them wth a nail brush. any tips - thanks
just be gratful your hards are not like 4GS. He has tiny small hands like an action man. He is a action man. from this day on he will be known as action man.#
and spaced looks like cartman from south park. short fat abnd stumpy. from this day on he shall be known as cartman
have you got a nail fungal infection, this might be why they are dirty. If not they do something in chemists where you put this stuff on like nailvarnish and its cleans it up
This may sound funny-but try soaking them in lemon juice. I use it for my finger nails. As I work in a kitchen my nails get discoloured when I peel potatoes.....the lemon juice acts as a mild bleach. I got the idea from my late mum-she always used it when she had been out in the garden.You have to really rub with a chunk of the lemon.