does it matter you will be dead and wont know its not a nice thing to have to think about so i dont know ,,,,i want to be stuffed and put in a bed ...
well with the way things are moving i reckon in the future you'd be able to be blasted off into space! kinda poetic and nice for all those you left behind to be able to gaze at the stars and be close to you!
I havnt given it a great deal of thought but i know my grandad wanted to be buried as he'd been a fireman many many years ago and had never fogotten the smell of women in the mills burning to death when a fire broke out:(
But at least with cremation you know that youre not gonna wake up in a cold box in the ground
I will never die. I�ve requested that every ounce of my body, blood, organ and all be donated to a needy person before I die. The recipient must agree to donate their body before they die. And so the donation cycle will go on without end keeping my body alive forever.
Well considering near enough every major world enemy army and terrorist organisation haven't managed to get me, I am sure I can handle a few death threats.
Personally I would want to be buried. But that's because I like graveyards and the memorials there. Churchyards always seem so peaceful whereas crematoriums always seem so clinical.
And Wardy, I hope given the impending nuptials, your will is made in contemplation of marriage!!!!
You are not thinking of going in the near future, are you, Wobbly? I think you are just trying to cheer us up!! I would recommend burial for you but why wait!!!!
yeah but the maggots eating you turn into flys,who getting eaten by other insect and animals etc......thus goes the circle of life and your d.n.a goes on forever! (in theorie)