Do you enjoy cooking? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Do you enjoy cooking?

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frankofile | 21:38 Sat 19th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I only ask this, as sometimes I feel like a freak. I could not cook a thing until I left home, so am entirely self taught. But I get a real sense of satisfaction from producing a "cooked from scratch" meal. Tonight, after 10 hours on my feet, I cooked coq au vin with new potatoes and freshley dug carrots. I am Definatly not looking for any sort of medal, I do it cos I genuinlly enjoy it, but why do my colleagues treat me as a freak, as they buy their fish and chips? Also I seemed to be the only one at work who was shocked by a colleague who announced that her 6 month old grand daughter "loved a Mars bar", Did this 6 month old ask for a Mars bar?
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well done!!
I do not enjoy cooking but I do it out of necessity
love it like to sex!!!
frank - You can't beat home made! You grow your own veg? Brilliant! Something I've thought of doing ,but haven't as yet. Can you set another place for me? lol!
i'm very good at boiling water and making hot chocolate.
I enjoy cooking, but only for people that aren't fussy and picky!!

I love people with good appetites and are willing to try things.

Yuk..Imagine all that processed sugar..Deffo not appropriate for a baby!
I left home for Uni at 17, so basically had to start cooking. Thankfully, my mum is a great cook, and I got to watch her. I'm reasonably good in the kitchen, however I only ever make a *real* effort if I have guests. Cooking for one isn't very gratifying! lol
Although it might help that I'm French. Must be in the genes....*cough cough* ;O)
You are no freak frankofile - well done on teaching yourself to cook - it is something that every youngster should be able to do !

I had to learn the hard way as well (and I'm a veggie, so I had to understand a bit more about protein, minerals and vitamins etc) but I now am confident enough to host 12 person dinner parties with three courses - so long as I can find enough dining chairs for them all !

One of my colleagues told me - in all sincerity - that if anything happened to his wife, he would have to get married again straight away, simply because he had no idea what to do in the kitchen. I found that rather sad.
I love cooking and learnt off my mum at a very early age.

Wish I had more time and energy to do more.
Most of it is common sense, really. I don't understand how someone would not be able to cook eggs, for example.

My best mate lives on cereal and coffee. I keep inviting him over, just so I know he's getting at least some good/nutritional stuff into him! lol
Good cooks love people to appreciate their gourmet delights.......I am willing? Awaiting the invite.

Your meal sounds gorgeous......I hope you included the wine in the dish .
Oh..and let me a have a wee rant there!

People who say "I can't cook pasta, it's always soggy and overcooked".


Rant over. lol :O)
I'm like you, I didn't cook a thing even for a long time after I left the family home, but I got into it about 3 years ago and I love it. I find it therapeutic and satisfying too.

I'm very much in a minority in my circle of friends (funnily enough, I'm never short of an offer for them to sample it!) and colleagues too.

I don't like ready meals at all. It's cheaper and more nutritious to do it myself.

Well done you :o)
Yea frankie I love cooking and creating I just throw meals together with any thing that I have got and it always comes out tasting brill I think I just have the knack for it to be a good cook you do not need recipies you just cook from the heart.

I think you know what I mean and I make the meanest sheppards poo in the west and lasange as well and as for me chips well they are to die for.
A good cook always cooks from the heart and that way it will always come out perfect.

And you should taste my yorkie puds and roast tatties they are the best
Err, I think you'll find that my roaters are better, knobbs ;o)
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Juggerling, your reply really rang home. 6 years ago I divorced my husband. At one point he got down on one knee and I hoped for something romantic. He actually sais " will you teach me to cook before you go" The answer was a big NO. Though I generously did buy him a Delia \Smith!!!
No.... I make the best ones... lol

fisticuffs at dawn...
I used to enjoy cooking and it is my job but now when I get home it is the last thing I want to do. I think maybe because now my job entails paperwork more than it does actually cooking the enjoyment has all gone and stress has taken it's place. It's a shame cos I am a bloody good cook too.
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Rossetta, please try and grow your own. This my second year of growing spuds. Our local garden centre had a potatoe week and I went along to ask "wot spuds will taste like the ones I remember my granny growing, The guy said Homegaurd. Easy to remember if you think of dads Army. Anyway, they are gorgeos, and I am over dosing every night. Was told you can't grow carrots unless you got fine soil. so this year I tried little golf ball shaped carrots, Not a lot of them, but the flavour is fantastic!
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Knobby you will have to give me a lesson on Yorkshire pudding. I love it , but I'm Irish so I don't have the Yorkshire pudding gene,so only you can teach me

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